piektdiena, 2014. gada 30. maijs

VBS script in SCCM to delete file

Some applications does not remove link after uninstall. Application is uninstalled but link remains pointing to nowhere. I need it to deploy via SCCM 2012. Investigations show that cmd files wont work so I made it in vbs. Here is my script  file as far as I search the sctipts I found does not work for me so I put together vbs script if  file exists, delete it.
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists("C:\Users\Public\Desktop\E-ME.lnk") Then
Else WScript.Quit 
End If

It has to be run with proper command . You can test it in elevated command prompt. 
Working locally does not mean a lot, you need to test deployment too. After some experiments I discovered You have to modify Command line adding cscript, dont know what SCCM do behind scene but this line works.

I deployed it as another deployment to the same collection. You can put it together in one package but if you have no previous versions, you dont need to remove link.

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