ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 5. aprīlis

Windows 2008 server without GUI start

If you installed Windows server 2008 without GUI.
Change ip address.
Netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces
now take that number in next command name value
Netsh interface ipv4 set address name=2 source=static address= mask gateway=

Rename Windows 2008 server
netdom renamecomputer %computername% /newname:yourcompname /userd:administrator@localhost /password:yourpassword /reboot:0 
reboots after 0 seconds dont know whether /y works
Join to domain
netdom join %computename% /domain:domainname /user:administrator@domain /passwoird:domainadminpass /reboot:0
turn off firewall
netsh adfirewall set allprofiles state off
Enable remote desktop
 winrm quickconfig
Maybe I should try this with /y too.
Vuala you can use remote mmc to manage your server  , remoote desktop should be working too.
Commands remotely
winrs -r:servername cscript \path\to\script.vbs /ar
 /ar for arguments if you have some
I still dont know what to do if you close command prompt. I think it just have to have telnet cripted session not cutted gui it seems like hacked.

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